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Nazeel Hotel Unit Management System

About a Nazeel

Nazeel is an online cloud-based system for managing hotels and commercial apartments

This system serves more than 4,300 facilities around the world and was launched for the first time in 2012

System features:

 – Provides you with automatic migration of all reservations to the Shomoos security system in the Kingdom (optional)

–  Advanced panel to check financial reports, rental rate and many other information and reports

–  Possibilities of managing rooms and hotels and changing their status (available – rented …) and others

Recording reservations for future reference

–  Management of bonds from receipts, expenses, and what is related to value-added tax

We are the authorized service provider. If you want to integrate the Nazeel system with the Xero accounting

program in your facility, you can request that through our professional team



System integration


Set-up and configuration


Data Migration



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